History of Superlative
Craftsmanship & Artistic Innovation
Founded by Damian Garrido in 1955, GARRIDO has a world-renowned reputation for fusing innovative design with superlative craftsmanship
Damian Garrido embarked as a silversmith when he was just 12 years old. He learnedthe craft by studying Spanish old masters and working at ateliers run by renownedSpanish silversmiths Luis Espunes, Viuda de Lopez, and Jose Mir. After finishingprofessional training as a master engraver and draughtsman at the School of Arts andCrafts, he became one of the youngest members of the silversmith gild. At the age of 24, Damian's atelier opened its doors, focusing on transcending craftsmanship anddelivering extraordinary design, a commitment that still stands today.
Damian’s reputation as a master silversmith developed due to his commitment to thecraft. He spent years on a European Grand Tour studying British, Italian, French, andGerman Masters. An eager scholar of Western silverware, Damian not only broadenedhis visual vocabulary by emulating the Old Masters but also developed his own uniquestyle. The success of which he owes to the rich technical and stylistic repertoireacquired during his travels.
Meanwhile, Damian’s passion for the Hispanic heritage of silverware remained at thecore of his work. Constantly expanding his knowledge of native silversmiths, Damiantraveled to Zaragoza, Toledo,Barcelona, and Valencia to study private collections.
Damian & Juan modelling a new piece in plaster, 1995
Toscana silver ewer and basin, 1964, Private Collection, Madrid
“One of the most innovative ateliers working in silver today, GARRIDO uses dying techniques to form intensely modern designs that strike a harmonious balance between history and innovation…”
Barry Friedman - Art Dealer & Collector
View of ‘A Silversmith of the 20th century” exhibition at Museum of Decorative Arts, Madrid, 2003
Works on display at Museum of Decorative Arts, Madrid, 2003
The second generation -
Juan & Paloma Garrido’s workshop
The new stage of GARRIDO's oeuvre was marked by Juan and Paloma joining theirfather in the atelier in 1990.The second generation of Garrido brought a new stylisticdirection, characterized by creating objects with a tactile finish that appealed to thesense of touch and sight.
Juan and Paloma’s GARRIDO is characterized by a body ofwork comprising a variety ofdesigns inspired by crystalline structures found in natureand the rigidity of modern architecture. The designs fuse function and practicality whilegreat emphasis is placed on the enduring aesthetic appeal. Harnessing traditional andmodern disciplines and combining a broad spectrum of silverware techniques andinfluences, the overall second-generation GARRIDO look is elegant modernity
Adhering to GARRIDO’s commitment to fine craftsmanship, every design element iscreated in Spain. Only the finest materials are used for designs, handcrafted in preciousmetals: gold, silver, or brass, and finished with hand-embossed textures or specialisthand-polish finish. The workshop takes pride in training master craftsmen to ensure thehighest product quality and continuation of the traditional Spanish silverware art. Aboveall, GARRIDO strives to rejuvenate the perishing art of silverware by integratingprecious metals and techniques traditionally used in metalwork into luxury designs.
Paloma Garrido developing new prototype
Juan & Paloma working on a new collection at GARRIDO workshop
GARRIDO in the International Arena & its important Patrons
Years of vigor, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence have given GARRIDO anInternational reputation for creating objects representing Spanish craftsmanship andsuperlative artistry at its best. Over the past few years,GAR-RIDO has been focusingits attention on the toughest creative and technical challenges, participating inprestigious art and design fairs such as Design Miami, PAD London, PADParis, ArtGenève, Artmonte-Carlo, The Salon Art + Design and many more.
Widening its global outreach, GARRIDO has also been exhibiting with a number ofprominent international galleries and museums such as Barry Friedman Ltd, GalerieAlexandre Biaggi, Phoenix Ancient Art Gallery, Madrid Museum of DecorativeArts,Asprey and Houseof Hermes-Puiforcat.
Receiving acknowledgment from international collectors and dealers alike, GARRIDOartworks appear in a number of private and public collections: Collection of Sir EltonJohn, Ralph Lauren Collection, Museum of Art and Design (NewYork, USA), ExcelenteFoundation (Madrid, Spain), National Con-temporary Engraving Museum (Marbella,Spain) and PaideaFoundation (Galicia, Spain), at the same time enjoying royalpatronage from the Spanish Royal Family, the Office of the president of Spainand theVatican Papacy.
“Intersection,” GARRIDO gallery, Madrid, 2022
Artgenève, Geneva, 2018
The latest developments…
Since its inception, GARRIDO has remained true to its core ethos principles draftedover half a century ago by Damian Garrido. The core principles are to provide distinctivedesign, exceptional craftsmanship, and impeccable service. Design, craftsmanship, andinnovation are central to Juan and Paloma's philosophy and are celebrated andencouraged in their works.
While preserving the art of silversmithing passed on from their father, Juan & Palomahave ventured into a new artistic direction, pushing boundaries in design and creativity.Drawing inspiration from the natural forms of glaciers and geological formations, theartistic duo employs vertical and horizontal shapes to create geometric structures.These structures are based on smooth surfaces that imbue the design with elegantformal purity. Most of the new pieces feature a combination of ridged and highly angularmotifs.The apparent regularity that stems from such strict geometric approaches istransformed and enhanced by the asymmetry that grants all the pieces a multiplicity ofperspectives, playfully surprising the viewer with many viewpoints
Small Quartz Table Set, 2019
Nickel Quartz Table Set, 2019